22:25 Although this is a long-established favorite, it often fails to flower indoors, usually because it has not been given a winter rest. The long, strap-shaped, deep green leaves overlap at the base, rather like those of a leek, then fan out at the top.
In late winter or early spring, a tall flower stem, carrying a head of about 10-15 trumpet-shaped flowers, pushes out from between the leaves. The flowers are usually orange with yellow throats, but deeper reddish shades and yellow or cream varieties are sometimes available. The roots of clivias are thick, fleshy, and rather brittle, and plants flower best when slightly potbound. Offsets are produced on established plants, and while they can be used for propagation, they will produce an impressive specimen with a number of flower heads if they are allowed to remain. Wipe the glossy, deep green leaves with a damp cloth occasionally to keep them
Fluffy white mealybugs can sometimes be found between the leaf bases Use a systemic insecticide to deal with any infestation. The thick, fleshy roots often appear on the surface of the soil, but do not repot the plant until it is essential. It will flower best when the roots are restricted. Snap off the flower head once all the blooms have faded, but wait until the flower stem begins to shrivel before pulling it gently from the plant. If the plant is not given a cool winter rest period, the flower stalk may not develop properly or flowers may fail to form. The flower stem of Clivia miniata bears an umbel of fragrant trumpet-shapedflowers in a bright, soft orange.
ORIGIN South Africa.
HEIGHT To 18in/46cm.
POTTING MIX Soil-based or peat-moss-based.
REPOTTING The fleshy roots soon appear to crowd the pot, but plants should be repotted only every 3-4 years. Instead, top-dress in late winter. PROPAGATION Carefully detach offsets complete with roots from the parent and pot individually. KEEPING PLANTS Cut out embryo fruits that form after the flowers drop; pull withering flower stalks off the plant.
Clivm Miniata Amaryllidaceae ELIVIA PLANT CARE
- Bright light with some direct sun in spring.
- A winter rest period is essential, with a temperature of about 50°F/10°C for 6-8 weeks from late fall.
- Keep the soil moist during the growing season, and water very sparingly during the rest period.
- Give a liquid feed every 12-14 days during the growing season.
Clivia miniata ‘Striata’ has variegated leaves but is difficult to find.
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