06:26 This orchid produces two strap-shaped, slightly arching leaves from each of the rounded or egg-shaped pseudobulbs, which are tightly clustered. Flower stalks some 12in/30cm long arise from the pseudobulbs in winter or early spring and carry 6-8 scented white flowers with golden yellow markings on the lip, and undulating petals. coelogyne2bcristata2b2bindoor2bplant-7531811

Coelogynes are not the easiest orchids to grow in the home. They require high humidity during the growing season and a short winter rest period in order to produce their flowers.                          coelogyne2bcristata2b2bplant-8166430 The pure white-and-gold flowers are, however, carried in quite large numbers on established plants, making coelogyne’s cultivation a tempting prospect. It grows well mounted on a log or bark or in a hanging wooden basket, where its long, drooping flower stems will show to best advantage. coelogyne2bcristata-8099423 FACT FILE
ORIGIN Himalayas.
HEIGHT To 12in/30cm.
POTTING MIX Use only special orchid mix, which may consist of shredded bark, tree-fern fiber, and sphagnum moss.
REPOTTING In spring every 3-4 years. The plant resents disturbance.  coelogyne2bcristata2borchidaceae2beoelogyne2bplant-9874609 PROPAGATION Cut off part of the rhizome together with a small number of pseudobulbs and pot up in special orchid mix.
KEEPING PLANTS With proper care, this orchid will last for many years.



  • Bright filtered light at all times. 
  • Minimum winter temperature of 55°F/13°C during the day, 45°F/7°C at night. In summer, keep temperatures below 75°F/24°C. 
  • To water, stand plants in water for 10 minutes. Always keep the soil moist in the growing period. 
  • During the rest period, water just enough to prevent the soil from drying out completely. 
  • Mist the foliage regularly to ensure high humidity.
  • Apply a foliar feed every 2 to 3 waterings.
  • A 6-week winter rest period is essential to ensure good flowering.

coelogyne2bcristata2borchidaceae2beoelogyne2bphoto-1525529 Pseudobulbs become wrinkled and yellow after flowering, but the new ones are shiny and light green. Take care not to splash the pseudobulbs when watering.

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