07:59 Cordylmes are sometimes confased with dracaenas, to which they are related, and Cordyhne australis may be offered as Dracaena indivisa. It makes a fountain-shaped plant, with long, narrow, arching leaves on top of a short stout stem.  agavaceae2bindoor2bhouse2bplant2bpicture-1688619

cabbage2btree2bindoor2bhouse2bplant2bpotted-3731373 It has something of the appearance of a palm tree, and plants in this group are often known as “false palms ” Also known as palm lily, grass palm, New Zealand cabbage palm, and fountain dracaena, C. australis is an architectural plant, popular in modern settings.                       cordyline2baustralis-3466462 Leaves are sword-shaped and leathery, mid to dark green, and up to 3ft/90cm long. The variety C.a. ‘Purpurea’ has deep, rich purple- bronze eaves, and C.a ‘Atropurpurea’ has a purple flush at the base nd up the center of the leaf.                      cordyline2baustralis2bindoor2bplant-7869128 Small white flowers in long panicles appear on mature plants, but are rarely produced in the home. It is a long-lived, fairly tolerant plant and can withstand lower temperatures than other cordyline. cordyline2baustralis2bindoor2bplant2bphoto-3396576 FACT FILE
ORIGIN New Zealand.
HEIGHT 6-10ft/1.8-3m or more.
POTTING MIX Soil- or peat-moss-based. cabbage2btree2bhouse2bplant-7637557 PROPAGATION In spring, sow seed, or take shoot tip cuttings from basal or stem shoots. Cut back overgrown plants and use 2-in/5-cm sections of the old stems with growth buds as cuttings.
KEEPING PLANTS The plant will benefit from a spell in the shade outdoors in summer. cordyline2baustralis2bhouse2bplant2bimage-6951113


  • Bright indirect sunlight; the plant will stand some shade 
  • Minimum winter temperature of 50°F/10”C. 
  • Keep the soil moisturing the growing season but allow it to dry out slightly between waterings in winter. 
  • Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every l weeks in spring and summer.


  • Brown tips to the foliage indicate that the air is too dry. Mist the foliage regularly to increase humidity, and stand the pot on a tray of moist gravel.
  • Lower leaves naturally yellow and die off. Overwatering, particularly in winter, can cause leaves to yellow.
  • The arching foliage makes an attractive, fountains shaped plant that requires plenty of space. Constantly brushing past the leaves will damage them.


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