Erica X Hiemalis Ericaceae French Heather Plant Care, Benefits And Propagation
This winter-flowering heather, which forms a small shrub, has erect stems with whorls of tiny deep green leaves. The 3/Vin/2-cm- long tubular flowers are pink with white tips and are borne in clusters at the ends of the stems. Erica carnea, winter heath, is another popular winter-flowering houseplant.
It has more slender stems, which are densely clothed in small, round rose-pink or purple flowers. Because they need cool conditions, winter heaths are difficult plants to keep in the home, and they should be discarded after flowering.
Erica x hiemalis Ericaceae French heather FACT FILE
ORIGIN South Africa (Cape Province); hybrids. HEIGHT 12-18in/30-46cm.
POTTING MIX Ericaceous (acidic) medium. REPOTTING Plants are usually discarded before repotting is necessary.
PROPAGATION By semiripe stem cuttings in late summer; these are difficult to root successfully in the home.
KEEPING PLANTS Ericas lose their leaves rapidly in a dry atmosphere and tend to be short-lived in centrally heated houses.
Erica X Hiemalis Ericaceae French Heather PLANT CARE
Bright light with some direct sun. • Keep cool, preferably at a maximum of 50°F/10°C. • Keep the medium moist at all times; never allow it to dry out. Use lime-free water where possible.
• Spray the plant frequently and stand the pot in a tray of moist gravel.