01:05 All aloes grow well at normal room temperature and are particularly tolerant of dry air. The most popular dwarf species for indoor cultivation is Aloe variegata, which is especially easy to grow and usually does better in the home, even on a windowsill, than in a greenhouse.
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Aloe, Partridge Breast Aloe, Tiger Aloe Aloe variegata
The plant produces tight, spiraling rosettes of smooth-edged, V-shaped green leaves up to 6in/15cm long and lV2in/4cm wide. The leaves are marked with irregular paler bands of color, which give the plant its most frequently used common name. It is also known as the tiger aloe, pheasant’s wings, and the kanniedood aloe, which translates as the aloe that cannot be killed—a tribute to its hardiness.
Coral pink flowers appear during late winter and early spring on stems up to 12in/30cm long, growing from the leaf axils. The flowers are at their best after the plant has been given a winter rest.
ORIGIN South Africa (Cape Province, Orange Free State); Namibia.
HEIGHT To 12in/30cm.
POTTING MIX Soil-based with added coarse sand. REPOTTING In spring, move into a pot one size larger or top-dress plants that are in pots of maximum desired size.
PROPAGATION From offsets taken from around the base of the plant. Use a mixture of soil and sand to start them off.
KEEPING PLANTS Shade from strong sunlight in summer.
Aloe variegata Liliaceae Partridge-breast aloe Indoor Plant care guide and tips
- A bright location, with filtered sunlight.
- Maximum temperature of 50°F/10°C during the winter rest period; otherwise, normal room temperature.
- Keep the soil moist during the spring and summer and on the dry side at other times.
- Feed occasionally with a high- potash fertilizer. Every 2 weeks from early spring to late summer.
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