08:18 All the information you are seeking for the plant Asplenium nidus Aspleniaceae or BIRD ’S-NEST FERN indoor house plant care tips and propagation here I am going to explain you easy and informative guide.
The broad, fluted, straplike fronds of this fern are a shiny fresh green with a dark central vein. The foliage grows in the form of a rosette, from the center of which new fronds unfurl. In its natural habitat, the plant grows as an epiphyte in moist tropical rain forests, and in those conditions fronds can reach 4ft/1.2m in length. Asplenium makes an excellent houseplant; it grows relatively quickly. An ideal place indoors is warm, humid, partly shaded, and well away from drafts. But aspleniums can tolerate heated houses if adequate humidity is provided. Even large fronds are relatively fragile and should be handled as little as possible.
Asplenium australasicum, commonly grown in Australia and New Zealand, is a very similar plant.
ORIGIN Southeast Asia, Australia.
HEIGHT To 2ft/60cm or more in a pot indoors.
POTTING MIX Peat-moss-based, with some added loam and coarse sand.
REPOTTING In spring, when the roots fill the pot. The roots tend to cling to the side of the pot, so it may be necessary to break the pot to release the root ball.
PROPAGATION This fern can be raised only from spores. KEEPING PLANTS Stand the plant outdoors in summer in mild climates. Clean the fronds by wiping them gently with a damp cloth. Alternatively, you can give the plant a shower. Do not use leaf shine.
Asplenium nidus Aspleniaceae BIRD ’S-NEST FERN PLANT CARE
- Medium light, no direct sun; turn the pot regularly for even growth.
- Normal room temperature with a minimum winter temperature of 61°F/16°C.
- Keep the soil moist, especially in the growing period.
- Stand the pot on damp pebbles.
- Apply a weak liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks in spring and summer.
Some More Tips And Recommendation
Damaged or dried fronds can be cut off at the base.
If scale insects (on both sides of the leaves) or aphids attack the plant, spray with soapy water, followed by clean water.
Brown spots on the fronds may indicate that the plant is in a position that is drafty or too cold Move it to a warmer, more protected place.
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