A small shrubby bush, rochea carries masses of leathery, oval, pointed leaves lin/2.5cm long in pairs along the many-branched stems. In summer, showy clusters of scented tubular red flowers, each about lin/2.5cm long, appear at the ends of the stems.
The varieties ‘Alba,’ with white flowers, and ‘Bicolor,’ with red-and-white flowers, are also popular.
FACT FILE ROCHEA COCCINEA (syn. Crassula coccinea) Crassulaceae ROCHEA
ORIGIN: South Africa (Cape Province).
HEIGHT: 18in/46cm.
POTTING MIX: Soil-based.
REPOTTING: In spring, but only if necessary.
PROPAGATION: By stem cuttings in spring or summer. Allow the cuttings to dry for 2 days before inserting them into fresh potting mix.
KEEPING PLANTS: Rochea coccinea needs plenty of ventilation, light, and water in summer and a period outdoors in a sheltered spot. Watch out for mealybugs and scale insects.
PLANT CARE ROCHEA COCCINEA (syn. Crassula coccinea) Crassulaceae ROCHEA
- Bright light with some direct sunshine.
- Cool to normal room temperature.
- Water well during the growing season; give less water in winter.
- Feed every 2 weeks with a standard liquid fertiliser in the period of active growth.
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