07:24 This is one of a small group of short-stemmed palmlike perennials grown mainly for their leaves, although the brightly colored fruits are also attractive.
The bright green, pliable, fan-shaped leaves are up to 3ft/90cm wide, with three to five main segmented divisions. Each lobe has a drooping ragged tip. In tropical regions the bleached leaves provide the material for Panama hats.
ORIGIN Central America, south to Bolivia.
HEIGHT To 6ft/1.8m or more.
POTTING MIX Peat-moss-based with added sharp sand.
REPOTTING Repot only young plants, as they fill the container with roots.
PROPAGATION Sow seeds at any time of year.
KEEPING PLANTS This is a fairly long-lived plant in a warm sunroom or greenhouse.
Carludovica Palmata Panama-hat Indoor PLANT CARE
- Full sun.
- Minimum temperature of 60°F/ 16°C.
- Water plentifully when the plant is in active growth.
- Feed occasionally with dilute liquid general fertilizer.
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