This post is about the Scilla Siberica indoor plant facts care and its propagation guide that you can find the best information regarding this post from here.
A hardy spring-flowering bulb, this scilla makes an attractive pot plant.
The strapshaped shiny leaves are about 6in/l5cm long.
Pendant, intensely blue bell-shaped flowers appear in late winter or early spring, in clusters of three or more on 4-in/10-cm stalks.
The deep blue, early flowering ‘Spring Beauty’ is commonly offered; ‘Alba’ is a white-flowered form.
Once the bulbs have been potted up, leave them in a sheltered location outdoors until the shoots are well developed; then bring them into a cool room to flower.
Scilla Siberica Fact File
ORIGIN Turkey; the Caucasus.
HEIGHT To 6in/15cm.
POTTING MIX Free-draining, peat-moss- or soil-based.
REPOTTING Set the bulbs close together in a shallow pan or half-pot in early fall, with the noses of the bulbs just covered with soil.
PROPAGATION Take offsets when the foliage dies back.
KEEPING PLANTS Feed and keep moist until the leaves die down, then plant the bulbs outdoors in the fall.
Scilla Siberica Plant Care Guide
- Bright light, but not direct sunlight while flowering.
- Keep pots of bulbs in a sheltered spot outdoors until ready to flower.
- Keep the plants in a temperature of about 50°F/10°C to prolong flowering.
- Keep the soil just moist at all times.
- Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks after the plants are brought indoors.
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