🤷INDOOR🤷Crinumx POWELLU Amaryllidaceae Spider lily Plant

08:11 An elegant plant, this spider lily is a hybrid between Crinum bulbispermum and C. moorei, both of which originate from South Africa. During late summer or early fall, it bears bright pink trumpet-shaped flowers at the top of a thick, succulent stem up to 3ft/90cm high. 


The blooms are produced in succession, in clusters of five to eight, over about a month. Each “trumpet” can be up to 5in/13cm long and 6in/15cm wide.
C. xp. Album’ has pure white flowers.
The spectacular blooms and strap-shaped leaves, of which there are about 20 on a mature plant, arise from large bulbs, often as much as 6in/15cm in diameter. The leaves last for a year, dying only when there are new ones ready to replace them. Because of their relative longevity, they need attention to keep them looking attractive. crinumx2bpowellu2bamaryllidaceae2bspider2blily2bplant-5423222 FACT FILE
ORIGIN Hybrid.
HEIGHT To 3ft/90cm.
POTTING MIX Soil-based, with plenty of coarse sand, leaf mold, and well-rotted manure added. Put plenty of pebbles or gravel on the bottom of the pot to ensure good drainage.
REPOTTING Crinums flower best when pot- bound, so top-dress annually and repot only every 3-4 years.
PROPAGATION Divide overcrowded clumps in spring by carefully separating the offsets from the parent bulb. For a month after potting up, water the offsets sparingly; thereafter, treat them as adult plants. Otherwise, sow fresh ripe seed singly in pots. spider2blily2bplant-9997091 KEEPING PLANTS Picking off the flowers as they fade will help to prolong the blooming period.
Crinumx POWELLU Amaryllidaceae Spider lily  PLANT CARE

  • Direct sunlight for 3-4 hours daily.  
  • A minimum temperature of 50°F/10°C during the winter rest period; at other times, normal room temperature. 
  • S Water freely in summer but do not let the plant stand in water. 
  • Give only enough water in winter to prevent the soil from drying out completely. 
  • If necessary, mist the leaves at this time, to prevent them from wilting. 
  • Apply high-potash fertilizer every 3 weeks in spring and summer.

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