09:08 In the wild this plant is a shrubby perennial, but as an indoor plant it is best treated as an annual. It makes a colourful summer-flowering potted plant for the greenhouse or sunroom.
Dimorphothecas, or African daisies, are spreading plants, and this species will form a mound up to 12in/30cm high. The coarsely toothed oblong leaves, some 3in/8cm long, are aromatic, and the daisylike flowers, which open from early summer to fall, can be as much as 2in/5cm wide.Â
They are generally bright orange-yellow, sometimes with a purplish tinge at the base of the petals.                Recent hybrids have been bred in many different colors. Among the best are the compact ‘Salmon Queen’ with salmon pink flowers, the aptly named ‘Glistening White’ with 7-in/18-cm stems, and ‘Giant Orange’ (sometimes called ‘Goliath’) with larger than normal bright orange-yellow flowers.
ORIGIN South Africa.
HEIGHT To 12in/30cm.
POTTING MIX Soil-based, with the addition of coarse sand for good drainage.
REPOTTING Not required.
PROPAGATION Sow seed in winter or spring, or take stem cuttings in midsummer for overwintering.
KEEPING PLANTS Usually treated as an annual.
Dimorphotheca Sinuata PLANT CARE Guide
- Bright light with foil sun.Â
- Warm room temperature with good ventilation, in summer; a minimum winter temperature of 50 -55 F/ 10°-13°C for overwintering plants.Â
- Water sparingly at all times; overwatering may cause the stems to rot.Â
- Feed every 2 weeks from spring to fall with a half-strength solution of liquid fertilizer.
- Good ventilation is essential for this plant. In damp conditions, botrytis (gray mold) may develop.
- Dimorphothecas require full sunlight to guarantee blooming. Under good conditions, the plant will he covered with flowers from late spring through to fall.
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