The golden pothos, taro vine, or devil’s ivy, as it is commonly known, is one of the most remarkable of all foliage plants. Epipremnums come in many shapes and sizes, and may be displayed as climbers or as trailing plants.

There are about 10 species in this genus with aerial roots, each with a characteristic tendency to wrap itself around the nearest object.
Epipremnum aureum (syn. Pothos aureus, Scindapsus aureus) is highly decorative, with mustard and green variegation on the 6-in/15-cm- long heart-shaped leaves.Â
Epipremnum Aureum DEVIL’S IVY Photos And Plant Potted PicturesÂ
It is tolerant of a wide range of conditions, though when placed far from the light source, the leaves lose their variegation.Â
Indoors it should not be allowed to exceed 6—8ft/ 1.8—2.4m in extent, but it can grow five times as high in the wild, where plants produce flowers rather like those of the arum; pot plants do not flower.FACT FILE
ORIGINÂ Solomon Islands.
HEIGHTÂ To 6-8ft/1.8-2.4m.POTTING MIXÂ Soil-based.
REPOTTINGÂ Move the plant to a pot one size larger each spring, but do not overpot.
PROPAGATIONÂ Take 4-5-in/10-13-cm stem cuttings with two good leaves attached at any time of year, or tip cuttings when pruning in spring. The plant can also be layered.KEEPING PLANTSÂ Although slow to start, this plant is an excellent climber and will last for many years. Pinch off the growing tips regularly to promote bushy growth, and prune the plant in early spring to reduce its size.
Epipremnum Aureum PLANT CARE Guide
- Bright, indirect light.Â
- Minimum winter temperature of 60°F/16°C; normal room temperature at other times.Â
- Allow the top two-thirds of the potting mixture to dry out between waterings. Â
- During the growing period, apply weak liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks.

- Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’ is similar to the type and is an attractive alternative but it can be difficult to care for.
- E.a. ‘Tricolor,’ as the name suggests, has leaves marbled with three colors: pale green, yellow, and cream.
- Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen has beautiful leaves that are boldly streaked and marbled with soft green and white.
- Wet brown patches on leaves indicate infection by botrytis; destroy any such leaves.
- Aphids may attack young plants, and mealybugs may infest both young and old plants. Check regularly for signs of the pest.
- Stems will rot at the base if the plant is constantly overwatered.