Pseuderanthemum Atropurpureum Grow Tips
- Best in indirect full sun,
- Quite frost hardy and
- Prefers some moisture
- Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum requires fertile, well-drained, but moist or sandy alkaline soil
- Should be watered regularly.
The varieties ‘Variegatum’ and ‘Tricolor’ have splashes of pink, cream, and purple on the leaves. The plant requires warmth and high humidity, and if conditions are right a mature specimen will produce tubular purple-eyed white flowers 3/4in/2cm wide in late spring and summer.
Pseuderanthemum Atropurpureum Care Facts
ORIGIN: Polynesia; naturalised in tropical America.
HEIGHT: 1.2m/4ft.
POTTING MIX: Soil- or peat-moss-based.
REPOTTING: In spring, but only when roots fill the container.
PROPAGATION: Take tip or stem cuttings in spring or summer.
KEEPING PLANTS: Cut the plant back if necessary to maintain its shape and size.
- Bright light; partial shade.
- Warm room conditions, with a minimum winter temperature of 60°F/16°C.
- Allow the surface of the soil to dry out between waterings.
- Mist the plant daily and stand the pot on a tray of moist pebbles.
- From spring to fall, feed every 2 weeks with a standard liquid fertiliser.