21:33 This article is describing you the basic information about St. Augustine Grass indoor plant guide. You can also find it facts care and prapagation guide.
The Stenotaphrum Secundatum is also known as buffalo grass. This plant looks a little like chlorophytum.
The pale green leaves are long and straplike, blunt- tipped, with a broad cream band down the center.
The creeping stems produce clumps of leaves from the nodes and will root easily wherever they touch the soil.
The flowers are inconspicuous and are not often produced on plants grown in containers.
This is a good plant for a hanging basket that allows the stems to trail.
St. Augustine Grass Fact File
ORIGIN Southern USA; tropical America.
HEIGHT To 8in/20cm.
POTTING MIX Soil-based.
REPOTTING Move into a larger pot whenever the roots appear crowded; use a half-pot or other shallow container.
PROPAGATION Separate rooted clumps from the parent plant and pot them up individually.
KEEPING PLANTS When leaves lose their color and die back, gently pull them off the plant. This will not damage the plant.
St. Augustine Grass Plant Care
- Bright light with 3 or 4 hours of direct sun daily to help keep the variegation of the leaves.
- Normal room temperature, with a winter minimum of 50°F/10°C.
- Water freely in spring and summer; more sparingly in winter.
- Never let the plant stand in water.
- Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the period of active growth.
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