Firecracker Plant (Cuphea Ignea) Care – How to Take Care & Grow
CUPHEAIGNEA Cuphea Ignea Lythraceae care propagation how to grow and benefits discussed here on this article
CUPHEAIGNEA Cuphea Ignea Lythraceae care propagation how to grow and benefits discussed here on this article
The crocuses most commonly seen in the home are Dutch hybrids which have larger and more striking flowers than the species. The leaves are striped green and white, and the cup-shaped flowers, which appear in winter and early spring, flowers can be white, yellow, bronze, purple, or multicolored. Dry corns are offered for sale in … Read more
CORDYLINE TERMINALIS also known as Cordyline Fruticosa care benefits and propagation method guide here
Calceolaria’s curious pouch-shaped flowers have given rise to several common names for these hybrid plants, among them pocketbook plant and slipperwort. Blooming The brightly colored flowers are often yellow spotted with red or brown, but orange and red varieties with darker blotches are also available. Flowers are normally borne in spring, in clusters on tall … Read more
This post explaining details of Catharanthus Roseus Apocynaceae MADAGASCAR PERIWINKLE plant propagation guide and benefits and how to grow.
BRUNFELSLA PAUCIFLORA plant called as YESTEERDAY TODAY AND TOMORROW care guide benefits and propagation information explained in this post..
Calathea Makoyana Marantaceae PEACOCK PLANT propagation care benefits guides here you can see
see here Chlorophytum Comosum Vittatum Liliaceae SPIDER PLANT propagation method how to grow care and benefits described on this post.
Capsicum Annuum Solanaceae Ornamental Pepper Plant care tips propagation benefits guide
Carex Morrowii ‘ Variegata’ Cyperaceae Japanese Sedge Gras plant care propagation and benefits guide