Old Man Cactus Plant (Cephalocereus Senilis) Care – How to Take Care & Grow Old Man Cactus Plant

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This is the post about  Cephalocereus Senilis which is also known as OLD-MAN CACTUS and here is how you can grow it and care. The common name for this cactus is derived from the long, fine white hairs that shroud the fleshy columnar body and hide the sharp spines beneath them. The hairs serve to protect the … Read more

Flame Violet (Episcia Cupreata) Plant Care – How to Take Care & Grow Flame Violet Plant

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The creeping or trailing stems of Episcia cupreata, from which emerge nodeless red or green stolons bearing new plants at their tips, will rapidly cover the surface of a shallow pan or trail from a hanging basket. The oval, hairy leaves, 2-3in/5-8cm long and l-2in/2.5-5cm wide, have toothed edges and are arranged in a rosette; … Read more

INDOOR CONVALLARIA MAJALIS Liliaceae LILY of the Valley Indoor Plant

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See here in this article you can see CONVALLARIA MAJALIS also known as Liliaceae LILY of the Valley here I have described the propagation method, plant care, and its potted plant pictures. This familiar plant, with delicate, highly fragrant bell-shaped flowers, is usually seen as a hardy specimen in woodland areas or in a shady spot … Read more

Fiery Costus Plant (Chamaecostus cuspidatus) Care – How to Take Care & Grow Fiery Costus Plant

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This plant is unusual in that the leaves spiral around the stem. Each leaf, which can be 6in/15cm in length, is oblong, glossy on the surface, and reddish below. The flowers, borne in summer, are 2-3in/5-8cm long, with an orange tube and a deep yellow lip. There are different color types like: Costus speciosus, Malay … Read more

Crocus Plant – How to Take Care & Grow

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The crocuses most commonly seen in the home are Dutch hybrids which have larger and more striking flowers than the species. The leaves are striped green and white, and the cup-shaped flowers, which appear in winter and early spring, flowers can be white, yellow, bronze, purple, or multicolored. Dry corns are offered for sale in … Read more